Sunday, February 19, 2012

Adding dates in SQL

I am trying to pull only records that are greater than 1 month prior to today's date. This is what I have so far...

select *
from MyTable
where eventDateStart > '$Now'
order by eventDateStart

$Now is a variable that pulls in today's date. This sql statement delivers only records that have a eventDateStart greater than today. My problem is I do not know how to make it so it only shows records that are 1 month prior.

Any idea how to do this?Have a look at the DATEDIFF function in SQL Server|||This should do it for you:

WHERE eventDateStart < DATEADD(m, -1, GETDATE())


Gary|||Ok, this is frustrating, I can not get the DATEADD function to work for some reason. This is exactly what I want..

select *
from MyTable
where eventDateStart > DATEADD (m,-1,'2004/12/26')

This "SHOULD" return all the events that have a start date greater than November 26,2004 right? Am I crazy or something? If I get rid of the dateadd function and just have this where clause...

where eventDateStart > '2004/12/26'

it returns exactly what it should...all events that have a start date later than the 12/26/2004. But as soon as I try to DATEADD it returns zero rows. What the heck am I doing wrong|||Hi again,

Sorry I screwed up the first time as I should have said:
eventDateStart > DATEADD(m, -1, GETDATE())
instead of
eventDaytStart < DATEADD(m, -1, GETDATE())

In any case I checked your hardcoded version (SELECT DATEADD (m,-1,'2004/12/26') )and my version (SELECT DATEADD(m, -1, GETDATE())) in query analyzer and both give me the expected results.

I don't know if this is typo on your part but your DATEADD version will produce a comparison date of 2004/11/26 not 2004/12/26, so you are likely to get different results. Try it in query analyzer making sure you are using a dateadd that will be the same date as your hardcoded value and see what happens.

If that failds post the entire query/procedure and I'll look at it again because you're right, there is no reason why this should be difficult.



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