how can I add headers to my matrixcolumns?
I created a table inside the merged cell above, but this won't export
to excel: i get the error "Data Regions within table/matrix cells are ignored."
I had the same problem, and i found a solution for the embedded data regions in EXCEL! Altough it is a limitation in RS :
There is a solution! Have a look at the riport item "List" in design mode! It has almost the same functionality like teh "Table". You have to manually add headers over the "List" and manually place the textboxes hierarchical inside the list if you want to group fields, but it has a big advantage! Inside the "List" every embedded data regions (just like matrix, or subreport) are displayed correctly in EXCEL!
IMPORTANT: if you place embedded data regions in a "List" you have to right click on the "List" and select properties. On the first tab of the property window click "edit details group" and you must specify grouping expressions here. For examle if there are "Parent" and "Child" rows inside a "List", a good grouping expression would be the Parent row ID.
I hope this helps:)
Rolf|||Oh! And to adding matrix headers, for columns, you have to create a rectangle instead of a table. And place textbox-es inside the rectangle. And finally drag and drop the rectangle inside a merged matrix columnheader cell.
I am a newbie to the RS and need much more information then given here.
Can anybody please show me an example implementation of the same.
|||I have found the same problem with the "List" object in Reporting Services. Renders fine in HTML and PDF but Excel displays "Data Regions within table/matrix cells are ignored". Very frustrating limitation|||Unfortunately there is no viable workaround for this particular limitation of the Excel renderer. Data regions cannot be nested in table or matrix cells. We are working to add this functinonality in the next version of Reporting Services.
Tanveer, please let us know specifically what questions you have and we'll do our best to answer.
|||Do you have a timeline of when the next version of RS is going to be available?|||This is exactly what brings touble down the road, One recommends RS over CR and then, when I implement a large matrix report which for very valid reasons is embedded within a table, I receive a user response that this stuff just simply doesn't work. I TRULY wish this stuff would just work as it is supposed to. I hate the fact that Microsoft's marketing machine is better and faster than it's technical arm which does absolutely nothing for our credibility!
Why include the option to export to Excel if it does not work?!
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