Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Adding Time In DateTime Field


I'm trying to add a time from a DateTime field to provide a total. Eg:


01/02/2007 01:00:00PM

01/03/2007 01:45:00PM

01/04/2007 03:00:00PM

I want to add the time so I get a total of 05:45. The total hours could go over 24. I know I can't Sum it. I've seen several examples of how to do this but can't make any of them work. Could someone please point me in the right direction?


set @.d1='01/02/2007 01:00:00PM'

datepart(hh,@.d1) return : 1

DATEADD ( hour, datepart(hh,@.d1), YourDate ) add 1 hour to your data


Please check your objective. All of the times you list are afternoon times. The sum of the time component for all of these is the 5:45 plus an additional 36 hours. If your answer is correct, there is more to it than just summing the time components.

Code Snippet

declare @.aTable table (field1 datetime)
insert into @.aTable
select '01/02/2007 01:00:00PM' union all
select '01/03/2007 01:45:00PM' union all
select '01/04/2007 03:00:00PM'

select datediff(day, 0, sumOfTime) as Days,
convert(varchar, sumOfTime, 114) as Time
from ( select cast(sum(cast(field1 as float)
-floor(cast(field1 as float)))as datetime)
as sumOfTime
from @.aTable
) x

Days Time
1 17:44:59:997


From the nature of your question, and looking at your sample data, I assume that the sample data represents 'elapsed time' on a date. And that 01:45PM means 1 hour and 45 minutes elapsed time -NOT 13:45 o'clock.

To calculate the total 'elapsed time', it would have been so much easier if you were storing the StartDateTime and EndDateTime -then it would be relatively simple date arithematic.

If my assumptions are correct, AND you cannot re-engineer the data to collect Start/End datetime values, this will be a bit more effort.

Please confirm.


Sorry, I should have been clearer. The time is just a time, the date is irrelevant. It's actually a travel time, so Arnie you're correct, it is an elapsed time. I'm purely interested in adding the hours together. So in the 3 lines of sample data they travelled for 1 hour, 1 hour 45 minutes and 3 hours. AM/PM is also irrelevant. Travel time will never go over 12 hours. So the total I want is 5:45.

I'm working with someone else's data and tables here, personally I wouldn't have used a datetime field for this data but that is what I have. I also agree it would be better to have a start and end time, but I don't.

One possible way could be to extract the time, convert it to minutes, add those minutes together and then convert it back to hours and minutes...possibly? Any ideas?


YOu could use this function:

Code Snippet

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.TimeDiffInHoursAndMinutes
@.Firstdate DATETIME,
@.Seconddate DATETIME
Function written by Jens K. Suessmeyer, 07/22/2007

DECLARE @.FirstdateMinutes INT
DECLARE @.SeconddateMinutes INT

SELECT @.FirstdateMinutes = DATEPART (hh,@.Firstdate)*60 + DATEPART(mi,@.Firstdate)
SELECT @.SeconddateMinutes = DATEPART (hh,@.Seconddate)*60 + DATEPART(mi,@.Seconddate)

CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), FLOOR(@.SeconddateMinutes-@.FirstdateMinutes) / 60) +
':' +
RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), (@.SeconddateMinutes-@.FirstdateMinutes) - FLOOR((@.SeconddateMinutes-@.FirstdateMinutes) / 60)*60),2))

Jens K. Suessmeyer



This 'should' move you in the direction you want. (I've added another row to the sample data.)

Code Snippet

DECLARE @.MyTable table
TravelTime smalldatetime

INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( '01/02/2007 01:00:00PM' )
INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( '01/03/2007 01:45:00PM' )
INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( '01/04/2007 03:00:00PM' )
INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( '01/04/2007 01:45:00PM' )

Hours = sum( cast( parsename( replace( left( right( convert( varchar(20), TravelTime, 100 ), 7 ), 5 ), ':', '.' ), 2 ) AS int )) +
( sum( cast( parsename( replace( left( right( convert( varchar(20), TravelTime, 100 ), 7 ), 5 ), ':', '.' ), 1 ) AS int )) / 60 ) ,
Mins = ( sum( cast( parsename( replace( left( right( convert( varchar(20), TravelTime, 100 ), 7 ), 5 ), ':', '.' ), 1 ) AS int )) % 60 )
FROM @.MyTable

Hours Mins
-- --
7 30

|||Thank you so much Arnie that seems perfect. |||In addition and althrough already closed, I found something on my blog (didn′t know that I wrote such a thing yet :-) )


Jens K. Suessmeyer


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